If you’re looking for the best way to get the most from your kitchen, then investing in the best countertops is one of the smartest things you can do. Countertops really do make the kitchen and with granite or quartz countertops your room will be much easier to maintain and better to spend time in.
Here’s why…
The first benefit of attractive marble or granite countertops is that they make your kitchen look more luxurious and attractive. These are more premium materials and the difference really shows giving your space a look that’s much closer to one of those show homes.
You can also get floor and wall tiles in granite, quartz and other countertop materials meaning you can create a matching theme throughout the room!
The other way in which granite countertops are different is the longevity. These countertops are made from a material that was forged by the high pressures and temperatures of the Earth for thousands of years – in other words it tough. This means you won’t get chips and cracks as easily and that in turn means that you’ll be able to sell your home for more than you would with damaged laminate surfaces. It also means you’ll need to renovate less frequently. In other words, good countertops are an investment that offers great returns in the long term.
Fewer dents and chips and less absorbability also means that granite countertops stay looking better all year round and are much easier to clean. You can clean high quality countertops simply by wiping the surface with a cloth and this will remove any bacteria and any crumbs. If you have a battered and bruised wooden countertop though then you’ll need to scrub with a toothbrush to get it looking clean again.